Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Cleaning Woman

When will we wake up and realize that we are paying for the privilege of watching commercials on television. These commercials try to sell everything from drugs that could cause lymphoma and/or cancer to cereals that will make you slim. We see smarty pants lady selling drugs that help you clean out your bowels to a commercial that tells us “it won’t make you go, it will just make it easier to go. Go where???? Wouldn’t it be better if they brought back the commercials for rum, whiskey and beer.

We pay probably a hundred dollars or more a month for our cable programming and we are subject to so many commercials that we could go into the kitchen, fry some eggs and come back with your plate and the commercials are still on. Why do we allow this to continue? It wouldn’t be so bad if the shows were new, ones we haven’t seen before, but, there are about 4 new shows and 500 reruns. We’ve seen them all, know exactly what will happen next and yet we sit in front of that boob tube and watch these reruns that we are paying to see. We need an Occupy Television Headquarters.

What about these republicans running for the nomination! By the time the candidate is selected we will know All the dirty news about him/her. And where will we get this information? From the Republicans themselves. The Democrats won’t have to do a thing. Obama will get back in without attacking any one.

Please God, keep us out of war with Iran, war with Pakistan, war with China, etc. etc. We are worn out with wars. We have to close down schools, lay off teachers, fire personnel, police personnel, nurses, pay less money to doctors, close down health centers, etc. etc. but we can build more Drones, tanks, guns, bombs, etc. and, when they are out of date we can sell them to our enemies to make war with the U.S.

Talking about schools – merit pay for teachers??? Doesn’t anyone other than principals and teachers realize that the teacher who can handle the disruptive student gets them all in her/his classroom? When it’s time for testing, they fill in any circle so they can get done. How would that teacher ever be entitled to merit pay?

I have to stop now. I have dusting, mopping and vacuuming to do and I have to do it at night when everyone else is asleep.